Psychotherapy & Organizational Development, LLC

Info for Supervisees

If you are considering hiring me as your clinical supervisor, either for licensing or after you have received your license, you perhaps will be interested in the articles that are available to the right on this introductory page.

The most comprehensive introductory documents are just these two:
CLSV Disclosure Statement
CLSV Supervisee Intake

If you find these documents helpful and wish to consider more of what I propose to supervisees, the remaining links here on the right column will bring you to information that helps complete the picture. This is consistent with what I have taught in public courses on clinical supervision since 1990.

To my knowledge, all this material is consistent with the Arizona State Behavioral Health Licensing law. You can search the rules associated with the law yourself regarding clinical supervision by logging on to:

Employ the ‘search’ feature that you use for any program that can read the .pdf file (above) that you will download. If you put the phrase ‘clinical supervision’ in, for instance, you’ll find 58 references.

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